• Always carry the multi-purpose Identity Card while visiting Central Library and produce the same whenever asked by the Library Staff.
  • Please show your Identity Card at the entrance.
  • Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas etc. are not allowed. They be kept at the property counter against a token, Library reserves the right to check the contents of the items deposited at the property counter.
  • The library is not responsible for the personal belongings kept at the property counter. Hence, the users are advised not to keep their valuables at the property counter.
  • In case the property counter token is lost, the deposited article may be claimed by producing a written application along with the ID and a fine of Rs. 50.
  • Members should always collect and take away their belongings from the property counter while leaving the Central Library premises.
  • Silence and decorum should be maintained and be in decent dressing.
  • Eatables are not allowed.
  • Readers should not mark, deface, mutilate, underline, dog-ear mark, write, tear pages, spoil or damage the library documents/materials. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library membership.
  • Newspapers and Magazines should not be taken to other reading areas.
  • No Library material can be taken out from the library without prior permission and issuance.
  • Members are advised to leave the books on the table after reading and not to shelve books, periodicals, and other library materials themselves.
  • Laptops and other computing devices (without carrying cases) are allowed inside the central library.
  • Members should take care of their portable digital materials such as pen drives, portable drives, data cable etc. The library will not be responsible for their loss.