Library users are expected to follow the rules. These rules will help the user community to smoothly use Library resources and services. Always carry the multi-purpose Identity Card while visiting Central Library and produce the same whenever asked by the Library Staff. Please show your Identity Card at the entrance. Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas etc. are not allowed. They be kept at the property counter against a token, Library reserves the right to check the contents of the items deposited at the property counter. The library is not responsible for the personal belongings kept at the property counter. Hence, the users are advised not to keep their valuables at the property counter. In case the property counter token is lost, the deposited article may be claimed by producing a written application along with the ID and a fine of Rs. 50. Members should always collect and take away their belongings from the property counter while leaving the Central Library premises. Silence and decorum should be maintained and be in decent dressing. Eatables are not allowed. Readers should not mark, deface, mutilate, underline, dog-ear mark, write, tear pages, spoil or damage the library documents/materials. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library membership. Newspapers and Magazines should not be taken to other reading areas. No Library material can be taken out from the library without prior permission and issuance. Members are advised to leave the books on the table after reading and not to shelve books, periodicals, and other library materials themselves. Laptops and other computing devices (without carrying cases) are allowed inside the central library. Members should take care of their portable digital materials such as pen drives, portable drives, data cable etc. The library will not be responsible for their loss.