Considering the importance of computerization in the library house-keeping operations such as acquisition, OPAC, circulation, serials control, multimedia and web based inquiry; the library is fully automated by using internationally reputed integrated library system software named Koha. More than Ten (10) PCs are dedicated exclusively to the users for online public access catalogue (OPAC) with facilities for various search options like by author, title, subject keyword, accession numbers and articles, along with search combination of Boolean operators.

The Central Library has a very good collection of print as well as online journals. IP based campus wide access to online journals and e-books are available through E-Shodhsindhu Digital Library Consortium as well as other leading international publishers. More than 15 PCs are exclusively reserved in the Digital Resource Center to access e-resources in the Central Library.

The library also has a very rich collection of digital resources i.e., CDs and DVDs and Pen drives on many subjects which are made available from Digital Resources Center.

All the books available in the library are Bar-coded for automated check in and check-out and helping to achieve maximum efficiency in providing accuracy, speed and reliability. It is very helpful in providing Circulation statistics of the books and also helping in answering different queries such as history of issue and return of books, most issued books, books in a great demand etc.

Since its inception, the library has taken visible measures in making use of ICT advancements. The library has :

  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • LAPTOP zone
  • Internet facility for accessing on-line databases
  • New HP 3330Pro server was installed in January 2015, with 500 GB hard disk capacity, Data base server and backup server 500 GB with the storing capacity of 1TB.
  • 15 PCs for providing internet access facility to students
  • 15 PCs provided for professional staff in working areas
  • 10 OPAC Terminals
  • Barcode Technology for Circulation Counter
  • 2 Scanners for the digitization
  • Web OPAC and Integral University Library portal for remote access of library catalog
  • CCTV Servillance

Recently, the Central Library took a pioneering initiative and developed Lecture Capturing System (LCS). The LCS is useful to record video lectures, make audio-visual presentations, PPT presentation along with writing by using the stylus on running PPT or on a virtual whiteboard or on a browser etc. Through this facility, one is able to generate and disseminate the recorded video or document through various medium of his/her choice besides live lectures on various platforms.

The three types of LCS facilities are located on the First Floor of the Central Library in Recording Room-1, Recording Room-2 and Recording Room-3. The system is now fully functional and ready to use by the esteemed Faculty Members of the University. The LCS facility for the said purpose is open to all faculties.

Central library is housed in two floors of a multi story building which is located in the heart of the university campus.

  • Total area of the library 4000 Sq.Mts.
  • Total seating capacity: 550
  • Lounge for browsing and relaxed reading: 900 Sq.Mts.
  • Digital resource centre for accessing e-resources:150 Sq.Mts.
  • Three reading halls with 300 seating capacity, which is kept open all working days
  • Reserved area for faculty, researchers and differently abled.